A Comprehensive Health & Wellness Assessment - Employee 360 Health Check

Interested in knowing the actual health needs of your organization, Contact us now!

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Employee 360 Health Check

A comprehensive Employee health survey service designed to help organizations keep their  employees healthy and productive while also understanding their needs and values.


Physical Health Assessment

Physical Health Assessment

Mental Health Assessment

Mental Health Assessment

Lifestyle Habits

Lifestyle Habits

Analysis of overall health status of company

Analysis of overall health status of company

Identification of potential health risk

Identification of potential health risk

Actionable insights of the employees health status

Actionable insights of the employees health status

Recommendation for effective wellness programs implementation

Recommendation for effective wellness programs implementation

Progress tracking of health initiatives & its impact

Progress tracking of health initiatives & its impact

Data-driven decision making of employee

Data-driven decision making of employee

Save Your Health Cost without Compromising on Health Service Quality

Get the Health Risk Assessment of Your Organization done now!

The Benefit We Provide


Reduction of health care costs through health risks assessment


Prevent tertiary care admission

Low insurance cost

Lower Insurance Premium

Better negotiation for favorable rates

Cost-saving opportunities by identifying risk factors

Implementing preventive measures timely

employee productivity

Improved employee productivity


Improved employee satisfaction

decision making

Well-informed decision-making regarding employee health benefits based on the assesment

Customized intervention plans according to the health conditions and needs of employees

Reduction of health care costs through health risks assessment

Reduction of health care costs through health risks assessment

Prevent tertiary care admission

Prevent tertiary care admission

Lower Insurance Premium

Lower Insurance Premium

Better negotiation for favorable rates

Better negotiation for favorable rates

Cost-saving opportunities by identifying risk factors

Cost-saving opportunities by identifying risk factors

Implementing preventive measures timely

Implementing preventive measures timely

Improved employee productivity

Improved employee productivity

Improved employee satisfaction

Improved employee satisfaction

Well-informed decision-making regarding employee health benefits based on the assesment

Well-informed decision-making regarding employee health benefits based on the assesment

Customized intervention plans according to the health conditions and needs of employees

Customized intervention plans according to the health conditions and needs of employees

Muhammad Hassan Khan

Cost-effective and Great Value Health Benefit Product for Your Team Members – Give Mentor Health a Try!

If you're looking for a cost-effective great value health benefit product for your team members, do give Mentor Health a try. Amazing product!

Muhammad Hassan Khan

CEO of Trax
Furqan Karim Kidwai

Bring Cutting-edge Digital Health Services to Customer

Furqan Kidwai, Cofounder YPay, will bring cutting-edge digital health services to YPay customers. The collaboration aims to enhance customer experience and provide them with access to state-of-the-art technology in healthcare. The partnership will also allow Mentor Health to expand its reach and make its services more accessible to a wider audience. Grateful to have the opportunity to collaborate and bring innovative solutions to the industry.

Furqan Karim Kidwai

Co-Founder & COO – YPay Financial Services

Pakistan's high breast cancer rate by raising awareness and promoting early detection.

109 women die every 24 hours due to breast cancer in Pakistan. Amongst Asian countries, Pakistan has the highest rate of Breast Cancer and this will likely increase in the coming years. Hence, it’s a matter of serious concern for us.Women in Pakistan lack appropriate awareness about diagnosis and treatment for breast cancer due to a range of multifaceted barriers. There is a dearth of literature examining the socio-cultural factors that inhibit women from breast cancer screening, diagnosis, and treatment in Pakistan.Realizing the need, M&P Courier has partnered with Dr. Essa Laboratory and Mentor Health to spread awareness and early detection of this widely spread disease.


logistics,sales And distribution

What to choose?

Physical Wellness
Physical Wellness
Mental Wellness
Mental Wellness
Day to Daycare
Day to Daycare
Digital Wallet
Digital Wallet

Individual Employee Health Assessment

Rs. 1000

Employee Family Health Assessment

Rs. 2000

Who is the Patient?

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